Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lug Wrench Brewing's Second Anniversary

It seems like I was just writting about our first year anniversary when the reminder that our second year milestone was coming up quickly.  I know it is cliche, but where does the time go?!?  I thought it would be fitting to carry on the tradition of rolling up our numbers and seeing what the stats looked like for our little "pet project".  (I promise this will be the last 'round-up' type post for a while.)

Since our very first post back on January 3, 2010 and in the two years that have ensued...

Number of Posts: 227
Number of Days Old: 730
Number of Blog Comments: 119
Number of Subscribers (via Feedburner): 100

Top 10 Pages Visited (via Google Analytics):
  1. Nanobreweries - How Small Is Small (5,883 pageviews)
  2. Brew-In-A-Bag Brewing: Something Worth Trying (2,402 pageviews)
  3. SRM Color Ranges By Beer Style Chart (2,160 pageviews)
  4. Wort Pump in a Toolbox #3 - Build Steps (2,081 pageviews)
  5. IBU Bitterness Ranges By Beer Style Chart (1,970 pageviews)
  6. Fermentation Attenuation Ranges By Beer Style Chart (1,495 pageviews)
  7. Original and Final Gravity Ranges By Beer Style Chart (1,453 pageviews)
  8. Single Hop Beer Experiment (1,218 pageviews)
  9. Wort Pump in a Toolbox #2 - Parts List (1,189 pageviews)
  10. Wort Pump in a Toolbox #1 - Concept (1,182 pageviews)
Number of Tags Used: 258
Top Ten Tages Used (as of today):
  1. Humor (22 tags)
  2. Poll Results (20 tags)
  3. Homebrew Recipe (19 tags)
  4. Nanobrewery (19 tags)
  5. Competitions (18 tags)
  6. Homebrewing Clubs (17 tags)
  7. Breweries (17 tags)
  8. Interview (16 tags)
  9. Charts (15 tags)
  10. Collaborative Beers (15 tags)
  11. Nanobrewery Interviews (15 tags)
Number of Lug Wrench Collagorative Beers: 6 - no new beers :(
Number of Gallons of Collaborative Beer Brewed: 36 gallons
Number of Gallons Remaining: ?
Number of Blog Polls: 20
Number of Poll Participants: 427
Top 5 Most Popular/Active Polls:
  1. Favorite "Summer" Beer Style (33 participants)
  2. Ideal ABV for Favorite Beer Style (32 participants)
  3. Homebrewing Recipe Sources (30 participants)
  4. Consumption of 'Holiday'-styled Beers (29 participants)
  5. Ultimate Summer-Time Beer (26 participants)
So far, the Lug Wrench BRewing experience has been very possitive for both Tom and I as we continue the blog's de facto motto: a fraternal bond over beer.  However, we are very curious to know what the readers think - has any of this been interesting?, entertaining?, motivating?, etc.  Please leave us a comment or shoot me an email with your thoughts.  Feedback is what allows for continued improvment.



"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer.  Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine intervention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza."
-Dave Barry

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