Devoted Brother - Clone Recipe for Lost Abbey's Devotion Ale
Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (Gal): 5.5
Total Grain + Sugar (Lbs): 9.5
OG: 1.052
FG: 1.006
SRM: 4
IBU: 35
ABV: 5.9%
Brewhouse Efficiency: 81 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes
7.50 lbs. Continental Pilsner Malt
0.50 lbs. Crystal 20L
1.50 lbs. Dextrose
All hops are pellet hops
0.40 oz Warrior (14.75% AA) at 90 minutes
0.30 oz Brewers Gold (9.1% AA) at 45 minutes
0.30 oz Brewers Gold (9.1% AA) at 15 minutes
0.80 oz German Tradition (5.4% AA) at 0 minutes
1.0 Tab Whirlfloc at 15 Min
28 drops of Foam Control in the boil
WLP575 – Belgian Ale Yeast Blend (1L starter)
Mash Schedule
60 min at 146°F
Brewed on 5/11/2009 by the Wallace Brothers. First collaborative brewing session.
The wort was aerated with an aquarium pump, sterile filter, and stainless stone for 20 minutes.
Yeast was pitched when wort was at 67°F. The beer was allowed to natural rise over the four day fermentation, ending up at about 72°F.
Fermentation was very vigorous, resulting in the beer pushing up through the airlock and spilling on the floor.
5/27/09 - Racked the beer to secondary to hold until an empty keg was available to transfer into.
6/1/09 - Transfered the beer to keg and set at 2.5 volumes of CO2 with storage at 40°F. Beer has a decidedly cidery and rough character to it.
7/7/09 - The cidery character has evened out and the beer has started to develop a "funk" in the aroma.
7/18/09 - We did a side-by-side comparison of our beer with the actual Devotion. The homebrewed version had a very "grainy" and rough character compared to Devotion, which was light and smooth. You could tell they were similar, but definately not cloned.
8/2/09 - Keg is all gone.