Baying Hound Aleworks
Rockville, MD
In the second part of our interview with Baying Hound Aleworks, we conclude our conversation with Paul Rinehart. Paul founded Baying Hound Aleworks in the summer of 2010 and it just officially opened earlier this month. Baying Hound Aleworks beer can be found in Montgomery County, MD.
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Lug Wrench (LW): If you were speaking to an individual who is considering the prospect of opening their own nanobrewery, what advice would you give them?
Paul Rinehart (PR): Be patient but don't let the government slack. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) can take up to 90 days to even look at your paperwork. Do your research regarding local jurisdictions. I get a lot of people asking if they could do it out of their basement and they seem a bit disappointed when I tell them they can't, not legally at least. My first location got turned down by the TTB because it was a shared space, so I found an affordable warehouse. Also, keep in mind, that the TTB and even some state agencies require you to have a physical location, so be prepared to pay up to 3 months of rent without being able to bring in any revenue.
LW: What's the most interesting thing that has happened to you since you started the brewery?
PR: Interviews and tours. I love it when people come by the brewery, some just want to talk shop, while others just want to see what a nanobrewery looks like.
LW: Your website has a number of recipes that are prepared with or would go well with beer. Can you provide us with more information about your interest in pairing beer with food?
PR: I have a culinary background, I've worked in a few area restaurants, some of which did a lot of beer dinners. A few years ago, a friend of mine and I did a pod cast called Better Beer Food. We only did two seasons but it was a great experience and really made me think about food and beer pairings. I took that a step further with my beer, I designed it to go with food.
LW: Is there anything else you think our readers might enjoy learning about you or your brewery?
PR: I'm a really nice person and I love to talk. I hate drinking alone, so come for a tasting one of these days. Baying Hound Aleworks is the only manufacturing brewery in Montgomery County, it is also the smallest brewery overall. The only other breweries in the county are all brew pubs or restaurants.
LW: Many of our readers are homebrewers and love to hear about new recipes. Could you provide us with a recipe you think may be of interest? It can be a recipe from your current brewery, one from your homebrewing past, or even one you always wanted to try, but never got around to doing. Anything goes.
PR: I'm really tempted to use herbs de provance in a beer. This is a recipe off the top of my head. This contains some dried malt extract (DME) just to speed things up a bit. Also, the recipe uses a no sparge technique. 6 gallon
Herbs De Provance Beer (6 gallon recipe)
- 3 lbs White Wheat Malt
- 1 lb 30L Crystal Malt
- 2 lb Pale Malt
- 2 lb Vienna Malt
- 3 lbs Light Dried Malt Extract
- 1 lb Flaked Wheat
- 2 oz Saaz Hops (45 min)
- 2 oz Saaz Hops (30 min)
- 2 oz Saaz Hops (15 min)
- 2 oz Herbs De Provence (last 15 minutes)
- English ale yeast
- Bring the water up to about 160F. Add the grains and hold at 160F for 30 minutes.
- Siphon off the wort into another pot and add the DME. Allow the DME to dissolve then return it to the heat. Bring to a boil.
- First 15 minutes, add the first hops. Repeat at the 30 minute mark. with 15 minutes left, add the remaining hops, the herbs and some Irish moss.
- I use a plate chiller myself, bring the temperature down to an appropriate pitching temperature. Add the yeast.
- Let this ferment for about a week. If using a conical you don't have to use a separate secondary.
- Prime with priming sugar, about 5 oz and bottle. Allow it to condition for at least a week. It is drinkable after a week but let it age for another week, it will be much better.
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The prior installment of our interview with Paul can be found here.
We want to thank Paul for taking the opportunity to write to our readers. It is very much appreciated.
If you want to find out more about Baying Hound Aleworks, check out their website, read an article about them in the Washington Post, or stop by the brewery and buy some of their beer.
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