xkcd is an online comic written by Randall Munroe, a former physics major who worked on robots at NASA. Randall doodled a fair amount during his younger days and the doodling grew into a full-time job as a comic illustrator. xkcd is a word with no phonetic pronunciation and fits at the title of a comic on sarcasm, language and math. I was first exposed to it by a co-worker, Ben, who has followed it for years.
A quick search on the word "beer" revealed a few interesting comics loosely related to the topic that I wanted to share.
#617 - Amusing given the White House's recent foray into homebrewing
#323 - As a computer programmer, I have often wondered about this "study"
#589 - Party planning at its best
#708 - Not beer related at all, but one of my favorites
I hope you enjoyed the xkcd comics and you look further into Randall's interesting view of our world.
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