Thursday, May 26, 2011

Poll: Have you grown hops at home?

Similar to what has been done for all our prior blog polls, this takes a moment to memorialize the results we received on the most recent blog poll.  The reader's responses to the question "Have you ever tried growing your own hops at home?" are presented below.

Total Votes: 20

There is little to discuss with this one - hops are on everyone's mind.  Only 10% of the responders did not have an interest growing their own hops.  Everyone else is either interested or already put some rhizomes in the ground.  And interestingly enough, anyone who decided to plant hops planted more than one.

Tom and I are both backyard hops growers.  While Tom has been at it more years than I have, my two hop plants are entering their second year.  I did get a handful of hop cones last year, but I'm looking forward to see what the plants yield this fall.

We'd love to know what you think of the results and how they can be interpreted.  And if you are reading this, we've put up our next poll, which awaits your response.



"Beer may cause you to digress - and lead a happier life."
-Michael Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Simple. The brewers who grow know how easy it is and want to have a few varieties available. The brewers who don't grow but want to may either need some help or are not in a climate or living situation conducive for growing hops. The minority who have no interest simply would rather buy hops and not toil in the garden (ie more time for brewing). It takes all types. I have 20 plants in my community garden plot and wouldn't trade them for anything. Twitter: friarsmith


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