Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Beer Style To-Do List

In fitting with our most recent blog poll, I counted up the number of individual BCJP beer styles that I have personally brewed.  After 3+ years of brewing, I had cobbled together a list of only 28 different beer styles.  When considered against the 80 styles that are "official", the number of styles I've never attempted was almost twice that of what I have brewed.  This made me a little ... restless.

I have heard several other homebrewers who have set their eyes on the goal of brewing every style in the BJCP catalog.  I am not one of them.  However, when I listed out what I have brewed, it made me realize that it can sometimes be easy to fall into a rut and brew the same 'familiar' styles over and over again.  At my house, that typically comes back to American Wheats, American Pale Ales, Irish Reds, and Belgian Golden Strongs. 

As a means to help spur myself to try other styles, I wanted to list out all the 'To-Do' styles that I have yet to attempt.  I've copied that list below for two reasons.  First, by putting it up on the blog, it will force me to be honest with myself on what I have and have not brewed.  Secondly, I'll plan on referencing back to this post from time to time as a muse to inspire me to brew something different.

BJCP Beer-Styles 'To-Do"
  • 1A - Lite American Lager
  • 1B - Standard American Lager
  • 1C - Premium American Lager
  • 1E - Dortmunder Export
  • 2B - Bohemian Pilsener
  • 2C - Classic American Pilsner
  • 3A - Vienna Lager
  • 4A - Dark American Lager
  • 4B - Munich Dunkel
  • 5A - Maibock / Helles Bock
  • 5B - Traditional Bock
  • 5C - Doppelbock
  • 6C - Kolsch
  • 7A - Northern German Altbier
  • 7B - California Common Beer
  • 7C - Dusseldorf Altbier
  • 8C - Extra Special Bitter
  • 9A - Scottish Light 60/-
  • 9B - Scottish Heavy 70/-
  • 9C - Scottish Export 80/-
  • 9E - Strong Scotch Ale
  • 10B - American Amber Ale
  • 11B - Southern English Brown
  • 12B - Robust Porter
  • 12C - Baltic Porter
  • 13A - Dry Stout
  • 13B - Sweet Stout
  • 13F - Russian Imperial Stout
  • 14A - English IPA
  • 14C - Imperial IPA
  • 15C - Weizenbock
  • 15D - Roggenbier
  • 16A - Witbier
  • 16D - Biere de Garde
  • 16E - Belgian Specialty Ale
  • 17A - Berliner Weisse
  • 17B - Flanders Red Ale
  • 17C - Flanders Brown Ale
  • 17D - Straight Lambic
  • 17E - Gueuze
  • 17F - Fruit Lambic
  • 18A - Belgian Blond Ale
  • 18B - Belgian Dubbel
  • 18C - Belgian Tripel
  • 19A - Old Ale
  • 19C - American Barleywine
  • 21B - Christmas/Winter Spiced Beer
  • 22A - Classic Rauchbier
  • 22B - Other Smoked Beer
  • 22C - Wood-Aged Beer

Typing out the above list was humbling in that there are multiple beers listed that are common place and ones I should have brewed already.  But my intent is to use this list as motivation and harness the humbling/restless feelings to help me brew in new territories.

If you have never done it yourself, list out what styles you have never brewed and you'll likely be surprised.  Additionally, if you see one of your personal favorite styles on my list, please let me know - the more motivation the better!



"That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink.  If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen."
-Charles Bukowskoi

1 comment:

  1. My god, Jeff, we're giant nerds. I did this yesterday morning, after placing third with my Schwarzbier. Only, I wanted to see what styles I've never placed in a competition, which is many more than I've never brewed. Looks like we both have our work cut out for us.


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