The '9 Types of Beers and What They Tell You about Their Drinkers' list comes from (a prototypical male webzine). Take a read through the list and the next time you are in a bar, see if these 9 stereotypes hold true. (Click on the link above to see the full article - I've only reprinted the first line or two here).
- Home Brews - It's not hard to spot a home brewer, their taste in beer is typically the most varied and eclectic (weird) of all drinkers; they'll be the guys not so much talking about their beer as dissecting it...
- Premium Imports (Ex: Orval, Gulden Draak, Hobgoblin) - These guys are closely related to the previous type of drinkers. They care about the style, taste, mouth-feel, history, and other aspects of beer that no one holding a Keystone ever thought about...
- Actual Microbrew/Craft Beer (Ex: Stone, Dogfish Head, Deschutes) - These drinkers are all about the burgeoning American craft beer scene...Granted they may spend a little too much time concerned with beer, but it's not like they have a problem. Seriously...
- Ubiquitous Imports (Ex: Stella Artois, Newcastel, Heineken) - These drinkers tend to care more about beer than your average Bud/Miller/Coors person, but are perhaps more concerned with panache over actual taste...
- Not-So-Microbrews (Ex: New Belgium, Sam Adams) - These drinkers are riding the new wave of widely available craft beers ...They likely moved to this type of brew because it's easier to tell one beer from another...
- Big American Beers (Ex: Bud, Miller, Coors) - There's definately something very friendly and agreeable about this group of good old-fashiuned American beer drinkers, even if American companies own none of ther favorite beers anymore...
- Cheapest Thing Ever (Ex. Natural Ice, Keystone) - Typically you don't encounter these people at bars because if the whole point is saving money, then you're much better off back at the frat house...
- Hipster Beers (Ex. PBR, Schlitz) - More than any other type of beer, the labels are of greater imprtance to the drinker than their contents or effects, which should tell you everything you need to know about them...
- Abominations (Ex. Budweiser Chelada) - What can you say about people who's urge to put tomato juice in beer is so strong that they buy it pre-mixed from the gas station?
"Put it back in the horse!"
-H. Allen Smith, after he drank his first American beer.
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